Saturday 22 December 2012

Ollie Had A Haircut!

Just a couple of photos showing my little boy's new hair cut :) He looks such a cutie!

Sunday 16 December 2012

Paint Me A Picture

Yesterday I got out the water colours and Oliver and I did a little painting. Now we don't really do things like this, my mum isn't really a fan of messy play (a little OCD)  and it really rubbed off on me when I had Oliver. But as it was freezing cold outside I thought we'd give it a go.

It started off well apart from Oliver being a little more interested in putting his paint brush in water, but after a little while (probably a few minutes!) he started to instead paint the cars on the newspaper! We packed up after not too long to go and see my sister, but we will give this activity a try again soon.

Has anyone got any ideas for a mama who is quite new to the whole messy play thing? Would be much appreciated!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Christmas Tag

I saw this tag over on They Grow So Quick and as I'm a huge lover of Christmas I thought I'd join in!

1. What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
The atmosphere, I love the feeling of everything being so merry, all the family together.

2. What is your favourite make up look for the festive season?
I'm pretty much a smokey eye girl all year through but at Christmas there will be an addition of glitter and red lippy!

3. Real or fake tree?  
Fake tree as the real ones cause so much mess! Plus you can use it again and again :)

4. Giving or receiving presents? 
Everyone does love receiving presents and I won't deny that I do too, but I just love seeing people's reactions to the gifts you buy them, so giving.

5. Do you open your presents in the morning or evening? 
In the morning! First thing when we get up (after the required cup of coffee of course!)

6. Handmade or bought Christmas cards?
My sister makes her own handmade cards and actually sells them, they're brill, so unfortunately if I did make mine by hand they would pale in comparison! So bought!

7. What is your favourite Christmas film?
Elf and The Muppets Christmas Carol

8. What is your favourite Christmas food?
The whole Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings :)

I tag everyone who hasn't already done this! Link me to your posts in the comments section! Hope you're all enjoying the festive build up!

Friday 30 November 2012

Sometimes I just look at Oliver and tear up thinking ''how did I ever make somebody this perfect'' <3

Saturday 24 November 2012

Quick Update- Macbook Issues!

I'm sorry about the lack of updates, my macbook seems to have malfunctioned and I currently have minimum usage of my mousepad. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the operating system but zilch, nada, must be a laptop fault. I am planning to contact apple about it as I have no idea what to do!

Anyway, I will try and post but like I said, the mousepad is being very glitchy. I may try and temporarily use a usb mouse but shall see!

In the meantime I will instead fill up my me time after Oliver has gone to bed with lots of Christmas films and old school TOWIE. Perfect!


Thursday 15 November 2012

First Weigh In

I had my first weigh in this week at slimming world, to see how I did please click here to be taken to my weekly weigh in post on 65 To Target


Monday 12 November 2012

Meal Planning Monday: 12/11/12

Second Meal Planning Monday post, whoop. I pretty much stuck to last weeks, just moved some meals about due to anything that came up. Had a cheeky carvery last night instead of cooking a roast, naughty naughty ;) Anyway have just done my food shop today, all slimming world friendly! So let's have a look at what's cookin' this week...

Monday- I had my dinner at my mums, a lovely chicken stew, Oliver loves it too and he's brought some home for tomorrow :)

Tuesday- I'll probably be having a salad for lunch while Oliver has his stew again, then I'll be making cheesy stuffed jacket potatoes for dinner, yum yum yum.

Wednesday- Dinner will be pork medallions wrapped in bacon with broccoli and carrots, Oliver will most likely have some potato with that too.

Thursday- Weigh in night so will be having dinner late, Oliver will be having his with his Grandad. I think dinner for me will be rump steak baguette, yummmmmmmy.

Friday- Will be chicken in a thai green curry paste, with rice and vegetables.

Saturday- Slimming world chips with cheese, beans and bacon :)

Sunday- Pork, roast potatoes and vegetables. Probably some mash and gravy for Oliver as well.

Linking up to At Home With Mrs M again, please check out her post and add your Meal Planning Monday to her linky list :)

What is everybody cooking this week?