Thursday 29 December 2011

Guess Who's Back... Back Again

Did you guess?

Yes that's right, mummylovesollie is back and here to stay. Promise! This is just a quick message but will be back posting as of now. I need an excuse to talk about my little prince more so expect regular posts!

Love xxx

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Mirror mirror, on the wall...

...who's the fairest of them all?

I was actually doing well with posting and now I haven't posted in over a week! Naughty me! I actually love doing this blog, I've just been busy. But I will definitely start posting more regularly, honest!
Sharing just one photo of my little cutie from last week. I had just bleached my hair (post on other blog here) and had my full length mirror in my lounge while I was drying my hair. Oliver spotted himself and proceeded to be a vain little munchkin :)

Please excuse the messy background and the shabbily taken photograph, whenever Oliver noticed I had the camera, he turned away from the mirror, he's a poser!

On another note, as of yet my baba is still not crawling (he's 10 1/2 months). But, he is managing to get himself into a crawling position, then will throw himself down on the floor when he gets into it! Hopefully it won't be too long, I cannot wait for this milestone!

Love and stuff, 

'Mummy' Lucy and Oliver


Saturday 16 July 2011

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Black And White

16/07/2011- I've got toast on my t-shirt and I'm the biggest flirt

Two blog posts in two days, from me? I know, I know, I'm on it like a car bonnet. Not very photo heavy at all, just some cute snaps of mummy's little prince. I'm writing this post while attempting to get Oliver to have a nap in his cot. He doesn't nap in his cot, always his little bouncy chair which he is waaaaay too big for and I finally think enough is enough with that. So far, the cot nap is not very successful, stay tuned for updates.

Right, onto the snaps.


Oliver is 10+ months and so far he's not yet crawling. He's started to move onto his front but falls down bless him! So fingers crossed, we're getting somewhere. He also is still on baby food from jars, which I want to get out of. He doesn't help with feeds yet so I'm trying to also encourage him to eat more finger foods. Hence the crazy looking toast baby. I made him some wholemeal toast with laughing cow triangle on it (this is good for me, the stuff freaks me out to no end!) As you can see, he was simply shoving the whole thing in his mouth rather than biting at it, he does this with most things, despite having two bottom teeth! He started smiling and making faces at me as soon as he saw the camera flash!

Here he is being an absolute poser! These photos were too cute not to include, he really isn't camera shy! 

So those are the photos I have for today, he still hasn't gone off to sleep and it has been a while, he's getting himself upset the poor thing :(  
edit: he's just gone off to sleep now :)

On another note, I have a new weight loss/ healthy eating blog that you can get to by clicking here so please check that out if you like. I have only just started posting so not too many things to read through as of yet but still some content :)

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend despite this rainy-sunny-rainy again weather. Has anybody been up to anything exciting?

Love Mummy and Oliver xxx

Friday 15 July 2011

Recent Photographs of Oliver

Like I said in my last post, I haven't had much time to be taking loads of photos (hope to soon) and the only day I've actually been at home all day is today and that is because that time has come and I feel like utter crap. Also, my poor baby is full of cold and has been a moody little pup the past week!

So I've got some photographs from my blackberry to share with you instead :)

On his new ride-along, he loves it but is too short to move himself, bless him! He loves to beep the 'horn'.

Wearing mummy's ear muffs, I wonder if he'll develop my love of leopard print? He's gazing at his auntie in this photo.

And again, he's actually looking at me and not the camera but what a cutie!

Yesterday. after giving him his morning bottle in my bed, he fell asleep again for 2 hours and took up my pillow, the cheeky mare! Notice how he sleeps with his eyes half closed?

So there you go, sorry about the quality of the pictures but like I said, spare time has come few and far between.

I know I say this all the time but I realllly want to post more regularly. I actually really enjoy an excuse to gush about my baba!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Update! (mostly slimming world)

Again, I have not been posting regularly at all, I'm such a bad blogger, *slaps wrist*. My sister has been the resident photographer lately as she's staying with us and atm everything seems rather hectic!

I've joined slimming world as I'm on a journey to lose all the weight that I put on during my pregnancy and afterwards (a lot, try a few stone!) I just think it really is time to get the weight off and start looking after my body again. I know it will take time but I think slimming world is really more of a lifestyle change than a diet and I am loving it. I am cooking meals from scratch and really paying attention to what goes in my food which is great, and I can still have the occasional cheeky biscuit or two! I started on the 16th of June and have so far lost 8 1/2 lbs. I'm really happy with that because to see the number on the scales go down at all is fabulous for me after gaining weight for so long. I have another weigh in tomorrow and hopefully will lose some more!

I've also been getting more active and I now do a buggy fit class, and two zumba classes during the week so that's already 3 hours of exercise that I didn't do before. It really does make me feel great, I am just getting used to trying to fit everything in and keeping up my energy as I've obviously cut down on a lot of sugar. 

Anyway, that's my little ramble. I made a lovely honey marinade tonight to go over some chicken and homemade egg fried rice (without the oil, using fry light!) and it was delicious and I'm thinking of putting up some recipes on either this blog or my personal one here.  

(I'll post a picture of Oliver now to be in keeping with the blog!)

This was taken the day after I brought my baby home from hospital back in September. He looks so tiny and I can't believe how much he's grown in 10 months. He is my little angel on earth <3

Tuesday 14 June 2011

13/06/2011- A trucky and some cups!

Alright, posting these photies from yesterday. Not going to say too much really and just post the photos as I haven't got much time.

Oliver had an appointment with the paediatrician yesterday which we had to wait in the waiting room ages for, and then the appointment itself was quite lengthy. He was a very good boy and when we got home he deserved to have a playtime with Mummy and some of his favourite toys.

Ok, so these are mostly cup photos, but you can see the truck in them slightly! He does love his truck.

12/06/2011- This walker's made for posing!

Hey everyone, we haven't posted in a while because, as I've previously said, me and Oliver have recently moved home and we are not yet connected with the internet. I've had to make do with stealing my mothers internet when we come round. But hopefully, I shall be connected on the 21st of June so I shall then be posting more regularly.

So, Oliver's Auntie Hani (my sister) has been home the past few days and we always get more photos taken when she's home as she has her camera and gets snap happy! My poor blackberry is currently off being operated on by the carphone warehouse people and I've had to make do with an old Nokia that is so basic that it doesn't even have snake!

Anyway, it's been harder to take pictures so here is some photos from Sunday of Oliver just looking gorgeous in his walker. We had a lazy day as Auntie Hani and Mummy had been on a night out for our friends birthday and Oliver had spent the night having a sleepover at Nanny's. So he was just happy to pose for the camera!

Alright, I know I'm biased, but what an absolute cutie! I'm going to crack on with my next post now!

Friday 6 May 2011

Where have Mummy and Oliver been?

This is a photo free post! Truth is, I haven't had much photo taking time as of late as myself and my mum (Nanny to Oliver) have been busy decorating mine and Ollie's new home!

We have just about finished the painting and are currently waiting to hear from Mr carpet man. But yes, mummy and Oliver will soon share their very own home! It's a first floor flat so at the moment mummy is absolutely killing herself carrying Oliver + pram up the stairs all the time! But I'm sure I'll get used to it.

I will hopefully get chance to take lots more photos soon but atm as there is no carpet down, Oliver has been rocking out in his baby walker while mummy and nanny have been getting busy with lots of paint!

Hoping to post a verrrrrrrry photo heavy post soon to make up for our absence! But until then,

bye bye!

Monday 4 April 2011

04/04/11- Smile like you mean it.

I haven't posted in a few days although I said I would (slaps wrist), because my sister came home from uni on Friday. She has basically finished now apart from a few exams that she has left and a fair few essays, I really don't envy her for that!
But Oliver has absolutely loved seeing his Aunty, and I think it is so sweet that he completely recognises her after not seeing her for a while. He even went as far as refusing to take his bottle from me on Saturday night, only allowing her to give it to him, little devil!

Oliver is actually 7 months old today! I can't believe how quickly it has gone and I honestly love my little angel more and more each day. He'll be 1 year old before I know it!

Anyway, as I haven't posted the past few days, I'm going to post a few snapshots of my little cutie pie that I have taken in the days I haven't posted. 

This was taken on Friday morning straight after Oliver had woken me up by happily (and loudly) screeching away! He is such a smiler in the morning it's wonderful :)

This was taken on Saturday, I am still trying to help Oliver learn to sit on his own (with a bit of support from mummy!)

This one was taken yesterday evening after our Sunday roast! Oliver was happily leaning over his Grandad and trying to eat his hand!

Again, leaning over his Grandad, but this time with his hands away from his mouth (they went straight back in after this picture was taken!)

Thursday 31 March 2011

31/03/11- Play time with mummy

Today me and Oliver decided to go to town because mummy didn't want to stay inside in the sunny weather. Unfortunately while we were up town, Oliver was either causing mischief or asleep so I didn't have chance to take pictures. So I took lots instead during playtime once we were home :)

Oliver surveys the scene, deciding what his next move will be.

He throws his current toy aside, in search of something newer and better.

He spots some stacking cups in the distance.

But alas, he gives up the battle.

Aha! A green cup is within reaching zone!

Yes! Got it!

Just try and escape now, cup.

A much needed rest :)

Ahh, wait, he's in reaching distance of mummy's dress.

Coming to get you mummy!

I just love all these pictures :) Oliver's at the point now where he is grabbing everything and I am having to constantly move my blackberry out of harms way! Everything he grabs, goes into his mouth.

Last but not least, this picture is actually from yesterday but; 
would you risk it for a baby ricecake?


Wednesday 30 March 2011

Introducing mummy's new blog!

I have a beauty ect blog here but I was inspired by Beth's blog to make a blog dedicated to my gorgeous baby boy Oliver.

Oliver was born on the 4th of September last year and now I cannot imagine not having him. Nothing is more rewarding than being a mum and I've never been happier!

For this blog I am going to sneakily steal Beth's idea of trying to post pictures each day of my little pudding! I will hopefully stick to posting more regularly on this blog than I do on my other because my son is the most precious thing to me and having an excuse to take daily photos of my little boy and to talk endlessly about him is a huge bonus for me :)

These pictures weren't taken today as things have been a little hectic but I promise that after this post they will  all be newly taken photos!

For beauty related, mummy related and simply rambling tweets, follow @luceyface