Tuesday 14 June 2011

13/06/2011- A trucky and some cups!

Alright, posting these photies from yesterday. Not going to say too much really and just post the photos as I haven't got much time.

Oliver had an appointment with the paediatrician yesterday which we had to wait in the waiting room ages for, and then the appointment itself was quite lengthy. He was a very good boy and when we got home he deserved to have a playtime with Mummy and some of his favourite toys.

Ok, so these are mostly cup photos, but you can see the truck in them slightly! He does love his truck.

12/06/2011- This walker's made for posing!

Hey everyone, we haven't posted in a while because, as I've previously said, me and Oliver have recently moved home and we are not yet connected with the internet. I've had to make do with stealing my mothers internet when we come round. But hopefully, I shall be connected on the 21st of June so I shall then be posting more regularly.

So, Oliver's Auntie Hani (my sister) has been home the past few days and we always get more photos taken when she's home as she has her camera and gets snap happy! My poor blackberry is currently off being operated on by the carphone warehouse people and I've had to make do with an old Nokia that is so basic that it doesn't even have snake!

Anyway, it's been harder to take pictures so here is some photos from Sunday of Oliver just looking gorgeous in his walker. We had a lazy day as Auntie Hani and Mummy had been on a night out for our friends birthday and Oliver had spent the night having a sleepover at Nanny's. So he was just happy to pose for the camera!

Alright, I know I'm biased, but what an absolute cutie! I'm going to crack on with my next post now!