Monday 4 April 2011

04/04/11- Smile like you mean it.

I haven't posted in a few days although I said I would (slaps wrist), because my sister came home from uni on Friday. She has basically finished now apart from a few exams that she has left and a fair few essays, I really don't envy her for that!
But Oliver has absolutely loved seeing his Aunty, and I think it is so sweet that he completely recognises her after not seeing her for a while. He even went as far as refusing to take his bottle from me on Saturday night, only allowing her to give it to him, little devil!

Oliver is actually 7 months old today! I can't believe how quickly it has gone and I honestly love my little angel more and more each day. He'll be 1 year old before I know it!

Anyway, as I haven't posted the past few days, I'm going to post a few snapshots of my little cutie pie that I have taken in the days I haven't posted. 

This was taken on Friday morning straight after Oliver had woken me up by happily (and loudly) screeching away! He is such a smiler in the morning it's wonderful :)

This was taken on Saturday, I am still trying to help Oliver learn to sit on his own (with a bit of support from mummy!)

This one was taken yesterday evening after our Sunday roast! Oliver was happily leaning over his Grandad and trying to eat his hand!

Again, leaning over his Grandad, but this time with his hands away from his mouth (they went straight back in after this picture was taken!)