Sunday 8 January 2012

Oliver's 16 Month Update

I promised to update soon didn't I? I thought no better comeback post than my baby boys 16 month update. I've never done one of these but I love reading others so I thought, why not?

Oliver James Fearon-Young

You started walking on the day you turned 16 months.

You are very independant when it comes to eating and get annoyed if Mummy tries to help you.

You love to play 'Mummy's coming to get you' and giggle manically when we play it.

When Mummy sings 'round and round the garden' you will do it on your own hand.

You absolutely love home made scotch pancakes, they are your favourite food in all the world. 

You love baths and hate when it's time to get out.

You hate having your nappy changed and always try to scurry away.

When you are sleepy and ready for your bed, Mummy picks you up and you wave to everybody in the room.

You love to pretend to chat on the phone.

If you find a pen, you must track down some paper to have a doodle.

Your smiles melt Mummy's heart.

When Mummy goes to work she misses you dearly. 

Every single day Mummy cannot believe how lucky she is to have you.

Oliver James Fearon-Young, when you were delivered, you gave me the happiest day of my life. Now, 16 months later; you make me even happier <3

Lots of love, 
The proudest Mummy in the world